130+ Android Secret Codes Disclosed – Access Hidden Settings on Your Smartphone


Try out these Android secret codes and gain control of hidden settings on your smartphone.

Accessing secret codes for Android isn’t novel. People have been using these codes to access hidden settings since the time of bar phones. There can be multiple reasons behind it. Some users really want to access these hidden settings, while others are experimenting.

Whatever the case may be, using these Android hidden features opens up multiple possibilities. Possibilities like checking diagnostics, phone info, network settings, activating hidden features, etc. Therefore, we have consolidated the Android codes list in this article. So, let’s begin with first understanding the types of codes for Android.

Types of Secret Codes on Android

There are primarily two types of secret codes for Android. Each of these types caters to their purpose. Let’s explore them:

ussd codes for android

MMI (Man-Machine Interface) Codes on Android

MMI codes are secret codes that are defined by the manufacturer of the Android smartphone. These codes can provide access to hidden settings menus on your device. It allows you to perform various actions. Also, these phone codes are easily available through standard settings apps.

Here is a breakdown of MMI codes:

  • Purpose: These provide actions like running diagnostics, viewing device information, managing call forwarding, etc.
  • Defined by: Phone Manufacturers (Samsung, Google, Xiaomi, etc.)
  • Examples: Check IMEI number, view battery details, etc.

USSD (Unstructured Supplementary Service Data) Codes on Android

USSD codes for Android are shortcut codes that are dialed on your smartphone. They interact with your mobile carrier to provide information and features. The interesting thing to note is that they don’t require an internet connection.

Here’s a breakdown of USSD codes:

  • Purpose: It serves multifaceted purposes. For example, checking account balances, activating data plans, prepaid top-ups, accessing carrier-specific services, etc.
  • Defined by: Your Mobile Carrier
  • Examples: Check account balance, top up prepaid plan, activate data plan, etc.

Best Secret Codes for Android to Use – MMI and USSD Codes

There are numerous secret Android unlocking codes that you can use on your device. These codes for Android can access phone settings, troubleshoot problems, manage calls, and more.

Note: All of these codes may not work on a single device or mobile carrier. 

Popular Hidden Codes for Android:

General Test Mode*#0*#
Wi-Fi Test*#*#232339#*#*
Check IMEI Number*#06#
Display Phone Information*#*#4636#*#*
GPS System Test*#*#1472365#*#*
Touchscreen Test*#*#2664#*#*
Service Mode*#*#197328640#*#*
Caller ID Toggle*31#
Camera Information*#*#34971539#*#*
Firmware Information*#*#4986*2650468#*#*
MAC Address Display*#*#232338#*#*
Factory Reset*#*#7780#*#*
Firmware Reinstallation*2767*3855#
Local Network Information*3001#12345#*
System and Storage Details*#3282*727336*#
Smartphone Battery Info*#*#4636#*#*

Android Secret Codes for Managing Phone Settings:

Change Power Button Functionality*#*#7594#*#*
Storage and Data Consumption Information*#3282*727336*#
Local Networks and Data Consumption Information*3001#12345#*
Access Service Mode*#*#197328640#*#*
Display Calendar Data*#*#225#*#*
RF Band Selection*#2263#
Billing Information*3282#
Display WLAN Status, Battery Info, and Usage*#*#4636#*#*

Android Codes List for Troubleshooting:

Test Bluetooth*#*#232331#*#*
Field Test*#*#7262626#*#*
Phone Backup*#*#273282*255*663282*#*#*
Quick Test Menu*#7353#
Test Vibration and Backlight*#*#0842#*#*
Test Packet Loopback*#*#0283#*#*
Test Proximity Sensor*#*#0588#*#*
Control 12C Mode Control*#7284#
Test Audio and Melody*#*#0673#*#* or *#*#0289#*#*
Test Real-Time Clock#0782*#
Run Google Play Services Diagnostics#*#426#*#
Test Light Sensor*#0589#
Open RIL DUMP menu*#745#
Check Battery Status and Details*#0228#
Display GCF Mode Status*#3214789#
Open Debug Dump Menu*#746#
Access System Dump Mode*#9900#
USB Logging Control*#872564#
Display Diagnostic Configuration*#9090#

Hidden Codes for Android to Manage Calls and Messages:

Display Call Forwarding*#67#
Call Waiting On*43#
Call Waiting Off#43#
SMS Message Center Number*5005*7672#
Caller ID On*31#
Caller ID Off#31#

MMI Secret Codes Based on Smartphone Manufacturer


IMEI Number*#06#
Phone Information##4636##
Soft Reset#7780##*
Firmware Version#1234#
Hard Reset2767*3855#
Product Code2767*4387264636#
Battery Status#0228#
Service Menu#0011#
Hardware Diagnostics#0#
GPS Test##1472365##
Service Mode Main Menu##197328640##
Auto SIM Lock#746562528746#


IMEI Number*#06#
Phone Information##4636##
Factory Soft Reset##7780## or *#7780#)
Hardware Diagnostics#0#
Service Mode Main Menu##197328640##


IMEI Number*#06#
Phone Information##4636##
Hardware Diagnostics#0# (May vary by model)
Engineering Mode##6484## (Try this first)##3646633## (Alternative)##426633## (Alternative)


IMEI Number*#06#
Hardware Version*#888# or *#06#
Engineering Mode (Basic)*#800# (May vary by model)
Engineering Mode (Network)*#803#
Bluetooth Test*#805#
GPS Test*#802#
Screen Light Test*#99#


IMEI Number*#06#
IMEI (QR & Barcode)*#09#
Phone Information##4838##
Engineering Mode##558#
Mobile FCM Diagnose##426#
Calendar Information##225##

USSD Secret Codes Based on Carrier

AT&T Mobility

Check Balance*225# or #BAL
Check Data Usage*data# or #3282
Check Minutes RemainingNot available via dedicated USSD code
Pay My Bill*BILL# or #PMT
Manage Call Forwarding*#CODE# (depending on forwarding type)


Check Balance#BAL or #225
Check Minutes Remaining#MIN or #646
Check Data Usage#DATA or #3282
Make a Payment#PMT or #768
Upgrade Information#UPG or #874
Roadside Assistance#ROAD or #7623
Test Call#832
Call Verizon Customer Service*611
Block Caller ID (one time)*67 + 10-digit phone number
Unblock Caller ID (one time)*82 + 10-digit phone number
Enable Call Forwarding (conditional)*71 + 10-digit phone number (Rings your phone first)
Enable Call Forwarding (all calls)*72 + 10-digit phone number (Diverts calls immediately)
Disable Call Forwarding*73

T-Mobile US

Check Account Balance#BAL#
Check Data Usage#DATA#
Check Minutes Remaining#MIN#
Check Text Messages Remaining#MSG#
Pay My Bill#PAY#
Manage My Account#WOM#
Check Service Status#STATUS#
Check Phone Number*#06#
Transfer Airtime228 [Recipient Number] [Amount]#
Call Forwarding*72 [Number to Forward To]#
Cancel Call Forwarding#73#
International Calling#111 [Country Code]#
Mobile Hotspot*228 0 [New Password]#
Data Sharing#99#

Dish Wireless

Check Account Balance#BAL#
Check Data Usage#DATA#
Check Minute Remaining#MIN#
Check Text Messages Remaining#MSG#
Pay My Bill#PAY#
Manage My Account#WOM#
Check Service Status#STATUS#
Check Phone Number#06*#
Transfer Airtime228 [Recipient Number] [Amount]#
Call Forwarding*72 [Number to Forward To]#
Cancel Call Forwarding#73#
International Calling#111 [Country Code]#
Mobile Hotspot*228 0 [New Password]#
Data Sharing#99#

US Cellular

Check Balance*123#
Check Minute Balance#MIN#
Check Data Usage#DATA#
Check Text Message Balance#BAL#
Pay My Bill*611#
Manage Account Onlinehttps://www.uscellular.com/login
Customer Service611 (from phone)
Check Network SignalNot Available
Data Usage Alerts*6440#
Voicemail*88 (or press and hold 1)

How to Use Android Secret Codes?

As discussed earlier, it is categorized into two categories: MMI and USSD. However, both of these categories let the user access Android code features using a dialer. 

Therefore, the methods of accessing these features are almost identical. So, the steps will remain the same. However, before jumping onto the steps, it’s important to focus on certain factors before using these Android hidden codes:

Important Factors to Consider Before Using Secrets Codes:

  • Research Before Use: It’s crucial to search online for code or look for reliable sources, such as tech websites and forums. These forums discuss the purpose of the code, its effects, and compatibility with specific devices.
  • Start Simple: Start with basic functions like checking the IMEI number. This will build confidence before exploring other features.
  • Use a Trusted Source: Use code provided by reliable sources or the ones provided by the manufacturer or mobile carrier.
  • Consider Alternatives: Try safer ways to achieve the same results. Standard settings of the smartphone or mobile carrier apps might deliver these alternatives results.

Steps to Use Secret Codes for Android:
phone codes

Step 1: Open the phone’s dialer app
Step 2: Type in the secret code number
Step 3: Press # (hash symbol)

Considerations Before Using Android Secret Codes

Several considerations need to be taken into account before using secret Android codes. It is considering that these codes provide access to some sensitive settings. Also, these secret code numbers tend to change for a particular functionality. Therefore, the user might end up changing a setting that may not be good for the device such as factory reset.
Therefore, below we have listed some of the considerations before using secret codes for Androids:

Considerations Before Using MMI Codes:

  • It is important to stay careful when using Android phone codes. These codes might lead to unexpected changes in settings.
  • A secret code number that works on a particular manufacturer may not work on another one. For example, Samsung’s Android codes might not work on Google’s smartphones.
  • Most manufacturers either release a few basic codes with the manual or none at all. Therefore, it is essential to search for relevant ones for your device online.
  • Not all MMI codes for Android are well-documented. Therefore, you need to experiment until you find the ones that work on your specific device.
  • Some manufacturers might disable these secret Android codes.

Considerations Before Using USSD Codes:

  • Some USSD codes can charge their customers for premium services. Therefore, it is important to double-check these codes if you are unfamiliar with them.
  • These Android dialer codes are specific to each carrier. So, a code that works on AT&T might not work on Verizon.
  • Contact the mobile carrier directly or search online to find relevant codes.
  • USSD codes display information or menus on the phone’s screen, allowing users to interact with the service.
  • Unlike MMI codes, USSD codes generally don’t change permanently on your device.
  • While USSD codes are convenient to access. Certain carrier services use mobile apps for a more user-friendly experience.

Generic secret codes for Android devices

These codes are mostly universal and should work on all Android devices, no matter the manufacturer. There might still be carrier restrictions on certain codes, though, so they’re not all guaranteed to work.

Generic secret codes for Android phones (Info codes)

*#06#    Show phone’s IMEI
*#07#Display the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) value of the device
*#*#225#*#*Displays calendar storage info
*#*#426#*#*Google Play Services info or Firebase Cloud Messaging diagnostics (Select devices only)
*#*#759#*#*Access Rlz Debug UI (Select devices only)
*#0*#    Info menu (Select devices only)
*#*#4636#*#* Info menu (Select devices only)
*#*#34971539#*#*Camera info (Select devices only)
*#*#1111#*#* FTA software version (Select devices only)
*#*#1234#*#* PDA software version
*#12580*369# Software and hardware info
*#7465625# Device lock status
*#*#232338#*#* MAC address
*#*#2663#*#* Touchscreen version
*#*#3264#*#* RAM version
*#*#232337#*# Bluetooth address
*#*#2222#*#* Hardware version
*#*#44336#*#* Software version and update info
*#*#273282*255*663282*#*#*    Backup all media
*#2263#RF (Radio Frequency) band selection

Testing codes

*#*#197328640#*#*Test mode
*#*#232339#*#* or *#*#526#*#*Wi-Fi or WLAN test
*#*#0842#*#*Brightness and vibration test
*#*#2664#*#*Touchscreen test
*#*#232331#*#*Bluetooth test
*#*#7262626#*#*Field test
*#*#1472365#*#*GPS quick test
*#*#1575#*#*Full GPS test
*#*#0283#*#*Packet loopback test
*#*#0*#*#*LCD display test
*#*#0289#*#* or *#*#0673#*#*Audio test
*#*#0588#*#*Proximity sensor test
*#*#0589#*#*Light sensor test
#0782*#Clock test

Configuration codes

*#9090#Diagnostics settings
*#301279#HSDPA/HSUPA settings
*#872564#USB logging settings
#0782*#USB 12C mode control

Developer codes

*#9900#System dump mode
##778 (+green/call button)EPST menu
*#745#RIL dump mode
*#746#Debug dump mode

SIM card and call managing

**05***#Unlock SIM card’s PIN or PUK (Personal Unblock Key)
*#*#8255#*#*Google Talk Monitoring service
*5005*7672#Show SMS message center number
*#67#Open call forwarding information and menu
*31#Turn on or activatecaller ID
#31#Turn off or deactivate caller ID
*43#Turn on or activate call waiting
#43#Turn off or deactivate call waiting
*#22558463#Reset call time


Android smartphones have always been feature-driven. In fact, there are several Android features that inspired Apple. However, using secret codes for Android phones is a whole different story. 

These codes have always been a Pandora’s box for many. Some people are skeptical while others are simply unaware of what to expect from these codes. In fact, in many cases, users are aware of the hidden features, but only a few try them out. This could be due to many reasons, such as access to quality codes or accidental settings changes. 

However, this article aims to provide all the information for any user to get started. We discussed the different types of codes, aggregated a list of Android codes, discussed considerations, etc. Therefore, whether you want to open diagnostics or network settings, we hope this article will help you further.

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