Evolution of the Web: From Web 0.0 to Web 5.0

Web 0.0 — Dark Age (Before 1991)

PC Era. The web age didn’t begin. The computers only use various calculation operations. During this time, the first foundations of web development are laid.

Web 1.0 — The Social and Co-created Web (August 6, 1991–2004)

It is the beginning of the web age. Started with the first web page was published by Berners-Lee on August 6, 1991. General-purpose of the website is information broadcast and knowledge sharing.

The first web page. There are no screenshots of the original page, but this is the closest copy, taken in 1992. info.cern.ch

Before December 1996, web pages only have text, hyperlinks, and GIFs. Until November 1996, Netscape submitted JavaScript, and a while later December 17, 1996, W3C published the first standard for CSS, after that point, the web page was more colorful and responded to logical operations.

http://www.netscapeworld.com — December 21, 1996

In this period, which experts define as the “read-only web”, the internet was used as an online library with fixed content and one-way information flow. The role of the average internet user was limited to reading the information presented to him/her.

Web 2.0 — The Social and Co-created Web (2004–2014)

Become to web 2.0, changed to the internet user to creator from reader. Users get information and create different of type content like text, photos, comments, etc. with various centralized websites.

After these developments, the internet getting so popular and useful normal.

RIA (Rich Internet Application)’s increased using the internet and grew the creation of new applications, and the birth of WOA (Web Oriented Applications, such as RSS, and Web services) was inevitable.

In this period, Facebook, Twitter, and online games are so popular.

Web 3.0 — The Semantic and Intelligent Web (2014 — Present)

Today in 2022 we are in this period. The concept of web 3.0 was introduced by Tim Berners-Lee in 1999 and has grown in popularity with the emergence of Ethereum. At this stage of the web, it is aimed to work in interaction with users and artificial intelligence and to facilitate the lives of users.

For example, showing advertisements depending on whether the person waiting at the bus stop is male or female, or getting special pricing from the flight company you use most while visiting holiday sites.

However, the debate continues whether the concept of ‘Metaverse’, which emerged in 2021, will carry it to the following stages of this dimension. The term “metaverse” first appeared in science fiction author Neal Stephenson’s 1992 cyberpunk novel Snow Crash. It is possible to define Metaverse as a parallel universe where all digital worlds are combined, that is, everything you can do on the internet is gathered in a single area.

In my opinion, Metaverse and Web3.0 are not the same things now, because, in the metaverse concept, artificial intelligence and users do not interact. But on the other hand, it is very difficult for a decentralized formation to start to create a better internet environment and predict the new possibilities that will arise after this.

The reason why Metaverse and Web 3.0 are confused is they use the same stack of technologies.

Web 4.0 — The Mobile, Machine, and Object Web

From Web 1.0 to 3.0, most of the information processed is direct, user-generated content that is processed by ever-increasing computing power.

With 4.0 came machine-generated content in addition to user-generated content.

In this period, nearly all devices generate content and send it to decentralized networks.

Sent information available on all world and virtual worlds. After that point, we will be able to generate autonomous machines. Imagine, your car tracking you and your family members and deciding to pick up your child from the school at end of school time and without a driver. After that, it’s waiting for your shift, driving to your work, and picking up home.

These will be very minor movements at the end of this period.

Web 5.0 — The Sensory-Emotive Web

In this period, information, connecting to devices, or autonomous actions are not enough. People need emotional feelings. So, in this period you read news and feel the writer feels in writing, or you watch a video on YouTube you feel enthusiasm like the singer. This is such a different space and I believe; we will see the early time.

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