Essential Pantry, Fridge, and Freezer Items for Healthy Meal Planning

Nutritionists love to beat the meal-planning drum. I would know, I’m one of them! And while it is true that planning your meals in advance can help you eat healthier in the real world, pre-planning your family’s food isn’t always realistic.

If you’d like to eat well (but just haven’t yet mastered the art of meal planning with color-coded tabs and itemized Pinterest lists), simply stocking a healthy pantry can be a big step in the right direction.

Want to make your kitchen a one-stop shop of mealtime building blocks? Look to these 15 good-for-you pantry, fridge, and freezer essentials.

Canned Chickpeas Prep suggestions: Drain and add to soups, stews, or mash with lemon juice, fresh dill, and diced celery for a wrap filling. Try chickpea cakes, chickpea tacos, or chickpea salads. Save it for later: Store leftover chickpeas in a sealed container in the fridge for up to a week or freeze them. Health benefits: One cup contains 12.5 grams of fiber, 14.5 grams of protein, and just 4 grams of fat. High in manganese and folate.

Chicken Breast Prep suggestions: Use boneless, skinless chicken breasts in stir-fries, sandwiches, pastas, soups, casseroles. Add whole grains and vegetables for a complete meal. Save it for later: Raw chicken can be frozen; cooked chicken can be frozen for up to 9 months. Health benefits: High-quality protein supports the immune system, muscle building, and wound healing.

Smoked Salmon Prep suggestions: Use in wraps, salads, and pastas. Pairs well with lemon, dill, smoky paprika, or cream cheese. Save it for later: Store in a sealed container in the fridge for 1 week or freeze for 1 month. Health benefits: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A and E. High sodium content (600-1,200 mg per 100-gram serving).

Extra-Firm Tofu Prep suggestions: Press liquid out for crispy pan-frying, perfect for stir-fries, curries, and noodle dishes. Save it for later: Store in the fridge for 5-7 days or freeze for 4-6 months. Health benefits: Contains 17 grams of plant-based protein per 3.5-ounce serving and over 50% of the Daily Value of calcium. May help prevent hormone-related cancers.

Red Lentils Prep suggestions: Simmer for 20-25 minutes. Great for daal with tomatoes, onions, and spices. Save it for later: Refrigerate cooked lentils for 5-7 days. Health benefits: High in protein (46 grams per cup dried), fiber, and antioxidants. Supports heart health.

Whole Wheat Spaghetti Prep suggestions: Use as the base for Mediterranean pasta dishes or with pesto, cannellini beans, and arugula. Save it for later: Refrigerate cooked spaghetti for 3-5 days. Health benefits: High in fiber, which aids digestion, weight maintenance, and cholesterol reduction.

Quinoa Prep suggestions: Use in casseroles, stir-fries, or grain salads. Boil with water or broth for about 20 minutes. Save it for later: Refrigerate cooked quinoa for up to 1 week. Health benefits: High in fiber, protein, and anti-inflammatory flavonoids. Rich in magnesium, manganese, and copper.

Quick-Cooking Oats Prep suggestions: Microwave for a quick breakfast with add-ins like banana, peanut butter, or protein powder. Save it for later: Sprinkle extra dry oats into muffins or meatloaf. Health benefits: Soluble fiber reduces cholesterol, beta glucan stabilizes blood sugar, and whole grains may lower colorectal cancer risk.

Bone Broth Prep suggestions: Use in soups, sauces, and as a substitute for water in cooking grains. Save it for later: Refrigerate opened broth for 4-5 days or freeze in ice cube trays. Health benefits: Contains collagen, glucosamine, and chondroitin, which may reduce joint pain and improve digestion, sleep, and brain function.

Sweet Potatoes Prep suggestions: Use in tacos, curries, or pasta. Bake whole as a side dish. Save it for later: Refrigerate mashed sweet potatoes for 3-5 days. Health benefits: High in potassium for nerve and muscle function and soluble fiber for cholesterol and blood sugar management.

Frozen Spinach Prep suggestions: Use in egg dishes, lasagna, or smoothies. Save it for later: Refrigerate cooked spinach for 3-5 days. Health benefits: High in iron, fiber, and antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin for eye health.

Grape Tomatoes Prep suggestions: Use in pizza, pasta, salads. Roast for longer storage. Save it for later: Refrigerate roasted tomatoes for up to 2 weeks. Health benefits: Contains lycopene, folate, potassium, and vitamins C and K.

Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Prep suggestions: Use in dipping sauces, dinner hashes, or crostini. Save it for later: Store in a cool, dark place in a dark bottle for up to 2 years. Health benefits: Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) reduce the risk of mortality, cardiovascular disease, and stroke.

Onions Prep suggestions: Sauté for rice pilaf or French onion soup, caramelize for roasted vegetables. Save it for later: Store sliced onions in a sealed container in the fridge. Health benefits: May have antimicrobial properties.

Apples Prep suggestions: Add to oatmeal, fry for pork chops, or make a fruit salad. Save it for later: Refrigerate for up to 6 weeks. Health benefits: Contain vitamins C, potassium, fiber, and antioxidants. Associated with decreased BMI, cardiovascular disease risk, and type 2 diabetes.

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