Students Innovate Mukombero Wine and Juice at Bushiangala Technical Training Institute

A group of innovative students from the Bushiangala Technical Training Institute in Kakamega have introduced a groundbreaking way to consume the traditional medicinal plant Mukombero. Typically chewed for its health benefits, Mukombero, scientifically known as Mondia whitei, is now being transformed into wine and juice by these enterprising students.

The Inspiration: The idea originated in March 2023 when Linda Lutela, a teacher at the institute, noticed a vendor selling Mukombero in bulk at a local market. Inspired to add value to the plant, Lutela proposed creating Mukombero-based wine and juice, envisioning a more palatable product for a broader audience.

The Process: Supported by the school’s principal, Lutela and his food and beverage students embarked on the project. They conducted extensive research into Mukombero’s chemical composition and health benefits, followed by experiments in extraction and fermentation processes. The result was the creation of Waite juices and wine, featuring unique flavor profiles and preserving the plant’s health benefits.

Production Details:

  • For Juice: The Mukombero roots are processed to extract their essence, mixed with natural sweeteners like honey, and preservatives such as lemon, ginger, and garlic.
  • For Wine: The mixture ferments for a week before bottling, resulting in a distinctive wine with earthy nuances and slight bitterness.

Health Benefits: Both products are rich in antioxidants and beneficial compounds, making them attractive for both their taste and potential health benefits.

Market Readiness: Certified by the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS), the products are already available within the school community. Prices range from Ksh. 1,200, 700, and 500 for different sizes of wine, while a glass of juice and supplements cost 50 shillings each.

Achievements and Future Plans: The students’ innovation earned them a spot at the prestigious national TVET fair in Nakuru after winning the regional competition. Looking ahead, they aim to explore commercial partnerships with local farmers for sustainable supply and large-scale production. Their goal is to bring Mukombero wine and juice to the broader market, promoting health and supporting local agriculture.

Quotes: “We wanted to create a product that is more accessible and enjoyable for a wider audience while preserving its health benefits,” noted Lutela. “We see great potential in this project, not only as a business initiative but as a way to promote health and well-being,” added Victor Ambasu, a sophomore at the institute.

Conclusion: This project exemplifies how traditional knowledge can be combined with modern technology to create innovative products with significant commercial and health benefits. The Bushiangala Technical Training Institute students are paving the way for a new era of Mukombero consumption.

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