Study Finds Cold Plunges May Reduce Muscle Growth After Strength Training Workouts

A recent study published in the European Journal of Sport Science suggests that cold water immersion after strength training workouts may reduce muscle growth. The study analyzed eight randomized controlled studies involving 116 participants in their early 20s who engaged in resistance training two to three times per week for four to 12 weeks.

The researchers found that participants who used cold water immersion after exercising experienced less muscle growth compared to those who did not use cold plunges. This effect was observed regardless of the duration of immersion, the activity levels of the participants, and the frequency of exercise.

While the study suggests that cold water immersion may reduce muscle hypertrophy, it does not completely negate the effects of resistance training. The researchers advise individuals seeking to maximize muscle growth to avoid using cold water immersion immediately after workouts and to consider the frequency and timing of its application.

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