19-Year-Old University Student Charged with Robbery with Violence, Resisting Arrest, and Causing Grievous Harm

A 19-year-old university student, Ian Ngige Njoroge, has been charged before Milimani Court Principal Magistrate Hon. Ben Mark Ekhubi for the offense of robbery with violence, resisting arrest, and causing grievous harm.

The court heard that on the 2nd day of June 2024, at Kamiti Road in Kasarani Sub-County, Nairobi, Ian Ngige Njoroge, along with others not before the court, robbed CPL Jacob Ogendo of a battery of police communication gadget and a Samsung Galaxy Note 1 mobile phone valued at Ksh. 50,000. During the robbery, CPL Jacob Ogendo was also wounded.

Ian Ngige Njoroge pleaded not guilty to all charges in court. The Prosecution, represented by Ms. Virginia Kariuki, objected to his release on bail

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