Primary School Teacher Caught in Act With Young Girls in Garissa Giving Coins to Silence, Arraigned

A middle-aged primary school teacher has been arrested and arraigned in court for allegedly defiling for defiling six girls in Garissa County.

The court heard that the accused person committed the offense to the minors while working as a teacher in one of the local schools in the area.

The court also heard that one of the minors was seduced with some coins by the accused person, who later threatened her with dire consequences if she dared to tell anyone.

The accused person defiled her on two different occasions, on the first occasion he gave her some money to silenced.

The victim who’s a grade seven girl didn’t informed anyone until later when she decided to open up to her teacher on how the accused person managed to prey on her, the court heard.

The prosecution through proved the case against the accused and called a total of 6 witnesses, who in their testimony informed the court that the accused committed the heinous act with the children and injured their private parts.

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