Babu Owino Questions Circumstances Surrounding Gen. Ogolla’s Death

Following the tragic death of Chief of Defence Forces General Francis Omondi Ogolla in a helicopter crash, Embakasi East MP Babu Owino has raised serious questions. Owino expressed concerns about the circumstances surrounding the crash and posed several queries regarding the incident.

Owino questioned why only junior officers were accompanying Gen. Ogolla in the ill-fated helicopter and why there was no 50ACB Helicopter Escort in the operation area. He also asked about the rank required to fly a helicopter used by the CDF and why Gen. Ogolla was the only one inspecting a school instead of his juniors.

Additionally, Owino inquired about the protocols for the CDF’s inspection of troops and the number of helicopters a CDF should use when visiting an operation area. He also questioned the next steps in appointing a new CDF and the timing of Gen. Ogolla’s death following recent changes in the KDF.

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