Kilifi JSS Intern Teachers Threaten Strike Over Employment Status and Compensation

Junior Secondary Teachers (JSS) intern teachers in Kilifi have threatened to go on strike once schools reopen if they are not confirmed into permanent and pensionable positions and compensated for their period of service as interns. This comes after a court ruling deemed the Teachers Service Commission’s (TSC) internship program illegal, stating that offering them intern positions while they were qualified with teaching licenses violated their rights to fair labor practice.

Azani Ngumbao, a JSS intern teacher in Kilifi, stated that the more than 1,200 JSS teachers in the county were tired of being mistreated by TSC and the government. They are demanding confirmation into permanent positions and compensation for their internship period. Ngumbao emphasized the need for TSC to respect the court’s ruling regarding the illegality of the internship program.

The intern teachers also highlighted the issue of their gross salary of Sh20,000, which they deemed insufficient to sustain their daily needs. They are requesting that their salary be subjected to tax deductions like other permanent employees.

Andrew Lelei, a JSS intern based in Kilifi South sub-county, emphasized that failure to address the teachers’ needs would compromise the Curriculum Based Curriculum (CBC) program, which relies on them for successful implementation.

James Moseti, a JSS intern in Ganze sub-county, called on TSC to clarify who between the Commission and Parliament is responsible for employing teachers in the country. He warned that if their demands are not met, they will not report to work once learning resumes nationwide.

The intern teachers expressed frustration at being used to support the CBC program without being formally employed. They also criticized unfair employment practices by some Members of Parliament, which they say disadvantage older, more qualified graduates who have not yet secured permanent employment.

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