Sorry nurses. Intern Nurses pay slashed by half to kshs 35,000. It began with Intern Doctors.

The Kenya National Union of Nurses (KNUN) is fuming over a recent decision by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) to slash stipends for intern nurses by a staggering Ksh69,000.

Reduced Intern Stipends:

  • Intern nurses were initially promised a stipend of Ksh104,000.
  • The SRC reduced this amount to Ksh35,000, a move KNUN considers a blatant disregard for court orders upholding the higher stipend.

Union Threatens Strike Action:

  • The union views the stipend cut as a major disrespect to nurses and a key factor pushing them towards strike action.

Broken Promises on Permanent Hiring:

  • The Ministry of Health initially promised to transition nurses under the Universal Health Care program to permanent and pensionable terms.
  • Cabinet Secretary Nakhumicha backtracked on this promise, citing advice from the Public Service Commission.

**KNUN Blames Contractual Terms for Demotivation and Understaffing

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