Crazy Nairobian Released After Pressure from Kenyans

Kenyan content creator Billy Simani, popularly known as “Crazy Nairobian,” was released from police custody on Saturday night after hours of detention, thanks to the efforts of Law Society of Kenya President Faith Odhiambo.

Odhiambo helped secure Simani’s freedom, stating, “As LSK, we earlier thought he had been freed. But when we sent someone to the station, we found that he was not there and had not been released. When we got a tip-off, we swung into action to get him out of the situation.”

Simani announced his release in a video taken with Odhiambo, saying, “I am safe thanks to everyone, thanks to LSK.” The video was released at about 10 pm, showing them at a restaurant where they had gone for food after his release.

Simani’s detention had caused an uproar among human rights associations and content creators. On Saturday, 25 organizations, including the Bloggers Association of Kenya, The Law Society, the Kenya Medical Association, the Defenders Coalition, the Independent Medical Legal Union, and Amnesty International Kenya, called on the Directorate of Criminal Investigations to clarify his whereabouts.

Simani had been missing since Friday, according to his family and friends. Earlier reports confused his situation with that of another detained content creator, Kevin Wafula Bwire, who was mistakenly thought to be Simani. Bwire was released from Muthaiga police station after a complaint against him was withdrawn.

Blogger Dennis Itumbi, who had been advocating for Simani’s release, clarified the situation, saying, “The content creator arrested for threatening a senior public servant is WAFULA BWIRE – he was FREED this evening after the complaint was withdrawn. His relatives received him.” Itumbi continued to seek information on Simani’s whereabouts until his release was confirmed.

Simani’s arrest was reportedly related to sending threatening messages and ongoing protests over a proposed increase in taxes. His release followed significant pressure from content creators, human rights organizations, lawyers, and an online campaign on X (formerly Twitter), which attracted over 55,000 followers, including President William Ruto.

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