Gen Z Leader Arrested During Protests Declares Fight for Future Generations

The self-proclaimed commander-in-chief of Gen Z was arrested during a protest and made a poignant statement to the arresting officers. “These police who are detaining me, I am fighting for their children,” the leader declared, emphasizing the broader implications of their activism. The protest, which was part of the ongoing demonstrations against the Finance Bill 2024, has seen heightened tensions and increased police presence.

The leader’s arrest has added to the chorus of voices calling for significant political change, with the slogan “President RUTO MUST GO” being a central theme among the demonstrators. The protests have been driven by a mix of economic grievances and calls for greater accountability and transparency in government actions.

The statement made by the Gen Z leader highlights the generational divide and the urgency felt by younger Kenyans to secure a better future for themselves and their families. As the protests continue, the arrest has sparked further discussions about the role of youth in political activism and the challenges they face in pushing for change.

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