Youth in Kisumu Protest Finance Bill 2024, Assert Political Independence

In a show of political independence and grassroots activism, youth in Kisumu have gathered to protest against the Finance Bill 2024. Disassociating themselves from political affiliations, the protesters, largely comprised of Generation Z and millennials, emphasize their stance as being “for Kenya, Kisumu for Kenya.”

The protest underscores a growing trend among the youth to assert their voices in national discourse, particularly on matters affecting their economic well-being. The Finance Bill 2024 has been a point of contention, with critics arguing that it places undue burden on Kenyans through increased taxes.

The youth’s decision to mobilize in Kisumu reflects a broader sentiment across the country, where young people are actively engaging in civic action and demanding accountability from the government. Their demonstration highlights the power of grassroots movements in influencing policy and driving social change.

The protesters’ declaration of independence from political influences signals a shift in the political landscape, where the youth are increasingly taking charge of their future and advocating for policies that align with their interests. As they continue to mobilize and raise their voices, they are shaping a new narrative for Kenya’s political future.

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