Blood of Police Officer is on You, CS Mutua Tells Protesters

Tourism Cabinet Secretary Alfred Mutua condemned the recent ‘Occupy Parliament’ protest against the Finance Bill 2024, which led to a tragic injury of a police officer. Speaking in Narok during the launch of the National Wildlife Census, CS Mutua expressed his dismay over the incident that resulted in Chief Inspector David Karuri Maina losing both his arms.

“As we sit here today, Chief Inspector David Karuri Maina has lost both his arms. Today, he is disabled. This man is a son, a husband, and a father… he has been disabled by the protesters,” Mutua said.

He further emphasized that the Kenya Kwanza government is a peaceful regime and warned the youth against being misled into unnecessary protests. “My beautiful young people who are being driven by propaganda, look at the facts. Don’t get involved in activism and violence that leads to bloodshed. That officer who lost his hands, his blood is on you,” he added.

According to a police report, the officer was severely injured when a tear gas canister he detonated exploded in his hands, causing him to lose both forearms.

Mutua pledged Ksh1 million to support the maimed officer and promised further assistance during his recovery. His remarks were aimed at encouraging a peaceful and rational approach to addressing grievances, urging the public to avoid actions that lead to violence and harm.

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