Gathoni Women Rep Opposes Eco Levy on Wheelbarrow and Wheelchair Wheels

Gathoni Women Rep: “Hustlers sikizeni hapa! Wheelbarrow wheels will be subjected to an Eco levy of 1,000 Ksh, marking a 143% tax increase. Wheelchair wheels will attract 1,000 Ksh per wheel, totaling 2,000 Ksh for a two-wheeled wheelchair, a 200% increase. This is Bottom-Up economics in action. No wonder I plan to reject this bill.”

Details: Gathoni, a Women Representative, voiced strong opposition to the proposed Eco levy on wheelbarrow and wheelchair wheels, citing significant tax increases as detrimental to the ordinary Kenyan. Her statement has sparked widespread debate on the implications of the Finance Bill 2024 on everyday items.

Public Reaction: The proposed Eco levy has been met with considerable backlash from the public, particularly those who identify as ‘hustlers’—a term often used to describe the hardworking, low-income earners. The significant tax increases on essential items like wheelbarrow and wheelchair wheels have been perceived as a direct hit to the livelihoods of many Kenyans.

Government Justification: Proponents of the Finance Bill argue that the Eco levy is essential for environmental conservation and sustainable development. However, critics, including Gathoni, argue that the tax burden disproportionately affects the economically disadvantaged.

Conclusion: Gathoni’s vocal opposition highlights the growing discontent with the Finance Bill 2024, particularly regarding its impact on everyday citizens. As the debate continues, the government faces increasing pressure to reconsider the proposed levies and address the concerns of its constituents.

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