Kenyans Question Young Girl Selling Bananas to President William Ruto: Allegations of Stage-Managed Event and Child Labour

A video showing a young girl selling bananas to Kenyan Deputy President William Ruto has sparked controversy and raised questions among Kenyans. The girl, dressed in yellow, is seen handing bananas to Ruto, coincidentally matching the color of the United Democratic Alliance (UDA), a political party associated with Ruto.

Many Kenyans have raised concerns about the event, suggesting that it may have been stage-managed to create a political narrative. Some critics have also pointed out the issue of child labor, questioning how a young girl was involved in selling bananas during school hours.

The incident has sparked debate on social media, with some users condemning what they perceive as exploitation of the girl for political purposes. Others have defended the event, arguing that it was a genuine interaction between Ruto and a young entrepreneur.

The controversy highlights the sensitivity of political events involving children and the need for careful consideration of ethical and legal implications. As the debate continues, it serves as a reminder of the complexities surrounding political activities and the importance of upholding ethical standards, especially when children are involved.

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