National Treasury CS Warns of Severe Budget Cuts if Finance Bill 2024 Fails

National Treasury CS Prof. Njuguna Ndung’u has issued a stark warning to the National Assembly regarding the potential repercussions of not passing the Finance Bill 2024. In a letter dated June 19, 2024, the CS outlined the severe budget implications that would arise from failing to approve the bill, which is crucial for the 2024/25 budget estimates.

The CS highlighted several critical areas that would face substantial budget cuts, including:

  1. A reduction of KSh 3.7 billion in the budget for medical interns.
  2. Deferral of the confirmation of Junior Secondary School (JSS) interns to permanent and pensionable terms.
  3. A KSh 15 billion cut in the National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NG-CDF), which would negatively impact village development projects and bursary allocations for needy students.

“Is this what Kenyans want?” the CS questioned, underscoring the significant consequences that could follow if the bill is not passed. The letter aims to inform and caution lawmakers and the public about the critical financial decisions that lie ahead and their potential impact on essential services and development projects across the country.

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