Abbi Pulling Dominates Race One in Barcelona at F1 Academy

Abbi Pulling showcased her racing prowess at the F1 Academy, dominating Race One in Barcelona. Pulling’s strategic move at Turn One, where she went side by side with Nerea Marti and secured the inside line, set the tone for her victory. Despite intense competition from Marti and Chloe Chambers, Pulling maintained her lead throughout the race.

The excitement was momentarily halted when the Safety Car was deployed on the first lap due to a collision between Maya Weug and Amna Al Qubasi at Turn Five. The race resumed on Lap 7, with Pulling’s lead remaining unchallenged until the finish line.

Mercedes junior Pin stalled when getting off the line, falling to 12th on the first lap but recovered to seventh behind Emely de Heus.

Aston Martin representative Tina Hausmann struggled for pace and finished ninth, with Lia Block rounding out the top 10.

F1 Academy results Barcelona
F1 Aacademy results Barcelona
Image:F1 Academy Race One Result

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