President Ruto: “Expenditure on My Trip is Completely Exaggerated” After USA Visit

President William Ruto has addressed the controversy surrounding the expenses of his recent trip to the United States, emphasizing that the reported costs have been exaggerated. He clarified that he has significantly reduced the funding for his office and various government agencies to better allocate resources to essential sectors. “I think the expenditure on my…

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Enhancing Kenya-US Ties: Partnership in Education to Boost Silicon Savannah Ambitions

We have taken our long-standing ties with the United States of America a notch higher with the signing of a partnership in education. This pact will enhance student and faculty exchange, joint research, and innovation to accelerate our country’s Silicon Savannah ambition. We will keep working together with America’s higher education institutions to develop programs…

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President Ruto and First Lady Rachel Ruto Meet Steve Harvey in the US

President Ruto and First Lady Rachel Ruto, accompanied by their daughters, had the pleasure of meeting renowned television personality Steve Harvey during their visit to the United States. The encounter was a delightful occasion, filled with laughter and meaningful conversation. Steve Harvey, known for his charisma and inspirational stories, warmly welcomed the First Family, discussing…

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