Etiquette Breach! President Ruto Displeased as Kimani Ichung’wa Greets Him with One Hand in His Pocket

In a recent event, President William Ruto expressed his displeasure when Kimani Ichung’wa, a prominent politician, greeted him with one hand in his pocket. This incident has sparked discussions about proper etiquette and respect in formal settings. Greeting someone, especially a figure of authority like the President, with one hand in your pocket is often…

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Imagine Acting Like This in Front of Mike Tyson

Imagine the scenario: you’re standing in front of the legendary Mike Tyson, the former heavyweight boxing champion known for his fierce demeanor both in and out of the ring. Would you muster the courage to act with bravado or arrogance, knowing the formidable reputation Tyson carries? Confronting Tyson isn’t just about facing a renowned athlete;…

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Things Women Enjoy Most From A Man But Will Never Tell You

Understanding what women enjoy from a man but might not explicitly express can be a delicate topic, as preferences vary greatly among individuals. However, certain universal themes emerge from discussions and studies on relationships and human behavior. Overall, while women may not always vocalize their desires explicitly, they often appreciate qualities and behaviors that demonstrate…

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