Teachers Restrict Children from Expressing Disgust Towards President Ruto in Compositions

A concerning report has emerged indicating that teachers in Kenya are restricting children from expressing their displeasure towards President Ruto in their compositions. This action has sparked criticism and raised questions about freedom of expression in educational settings. The incident sheds light on the delicate balance between respecting authority and fostering critical thinking among students….

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Enhancing Kenya-US Ties: Partnership in Education to Boost Silicon Savannah Ambitions

We have taken our long-standing ties with the United States of America a notch higher with the signing of a partnership in education. This pact will enhance student and faculty exchange, joint research, and innovation to accelerate our country’s Silicon Savannah ambition. We will keep working together with America’s higher education institutions to develop programs…

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Female Teachers Break Into Tears After Migori Principal Gets Transferred

In an emotional scene, female teachers at a Migori school were seen breaking into tears following the unexpected transfer of their beloved principal. The principal, known for their strong leadership and supportive nature, had fostered a close-knit community within the school. The transfer has left many teachers feeling unsettled, expressing concerns about the future and…

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Mystery of “Ghost Schools” Unveiled in Baringo: Signboards and Gates, but No Students

Reports have surfaced in Baringo of signboards and gates marking the entrance of schools that simply do not exist. These “ghost schools,” as they’ve been dubbed, are shrouded in mystery, purportedly possessing bank accounts and even board members, yet lacking any students or classrooms. This revelation has sparked concern and raised questions about the management…

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