Students Innovate Mukombero Wine and Juice at Bushiangala Technical Training Institute

A group of innovative students from the Bushiangala Technical Training Institute in Kakamega have introduced a groundbreaking way to consume the traditional medicinal plant Mukombero. Typically chewed for its health benefits, Mukombero, scientifically known as Mondia whitei, is now being transformed into wine and juice by these enterprising students. The Inspiration: The idea originated in…

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SpaceX: Revolutionizing Space Travel

SpaceX: Revolutionizing Space Travel Space Exploration Technologies Corp, better known as SpaceX, has emerged as a trailblazer in the modern space industry since its inception in 2002. Founded by visionary entrepreneur Elon Musk, SpaceX has set out to transform space travel by making it more accessible and affordable. Musk’s goal has been to enable the…

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Enhancing Kenya-US Ties: Partnership in Education to Boost Silicon Savannah Ambitions

We have taken our long-standing ties with the United States of America a notch higher with the signing of a partnership in education. This pact will enhance student and faculty exchange, joint research, and innovation to accelerate our country’s Silicon Savannah ambition. We will keep working together with America’s higher education institutions to develop programs…

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Africa’s Economic Potential Highlighted at Harvard Business School Event

During a recent engagement with the Harvard Business School’s Class of 2025, the focus was on Africa’s vast renewable energy capacity and its youthful, skilled, and innovative workforce. The event, held at the State House in Nairobi, emphasized Africa’s status as a continent full of economic opportunities. The discussion included insights into Africa’s trade and…

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The Benefits of Shooting Mirrorless as a Wedding Photographer

As wedding photographers, the switch to shooting mirrorless has brought numerous benefits. The lightweight camera system allows for easier movement and less strain on the body, important for capturing fast-paced events like weddings. Additionally, the compact size of mirrorless cameras means less of a barrier between photographer and subject. Mirrorless cameras also reduce mistakes thanks…

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