Exploring Simon’s Algorithm

Simon’s algorithm provided the first example of an exponential speedup over the best known classical algorithm by using a quantum computer to solve a particular problem. Originally published in 1994, Simon’s algorithm was a precursor to Shor’s well-known factoring algorithm, and it served as inspiration for many of the seminal works in quantum computation that…

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The Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm Explained

When learning quantum computing algorithms from a textbook, there is usually a progression from the earliest, simplest algorithms to the later, more complex algorithms. Among the first of these textbook algorithms to be presented is often the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm, whose small size and seeming simplicity belie its importance. What is the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm? Using the…

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Quantum Cryptography – Shor’s Algorithm Explained

Anyone interested in learning quantum computing cannot avoid hearing about Shor’s Factoring Algorithm. It is one of the few textbook quantum algorithms, which means that it remains one of the rare examples of quantum computational advantage. In other words, the algorithm can compute something quantumly that is harder and slower to compute classically. In fact, this particular…

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