Kenya Meteorological Department Warns of Cold Nights Amidst Heavy Rainfall

The Kenya Meteorological Department has issued a warning of cold nights across the country amidst heavy rainfall. According to the department, temperatures are expected to drop significantly, ranging between 8 and 10 degrees Celsius in various regions.

The combination of heavy rainfall and low temperatures poses a risk of cold-related illnesses and discomfort, especially for vulnerable populations such as children, the elderly, and those with pre-existing health conditions. The department advises the public to take precautions to stay warm and dry during this period.

The warning serves as a reminder for Kenyans to prepare for the colder weather by ensuring they have adequate clothing and bedding to stay warm at night. It is also important to take measures to protect homes and belongings from potential damage caused by heavy rainfall.

As the country continues to experience unpredictable weather patterns, it is advisable to stay informed about weather updates and to follow the advice of the Kenya Meteorological Department to stay safe and healthy during this period.

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