Well-Wishers Raise Over Ksh1 Million for Kenyan US Marine Missing in Puerto Rico

Kenyans have come together to support the family of Samuel Muturi Wanjiru, a United States Marine who went missing while on vacation with his girlfriend in Puerto Rico. A GoFundMe page set up by his girlfriend, Natasha Castillo, has raised over Ksh1.3 million out of a target of Ksh1.9 million.

Muturi has been missing since March 25, 2024, when he was swept away by ocean currents while swimming at La Pared beach in Luquillo. Castillo has been working tirelessly to find him, reaching out to Muturi’s family and gathering resources for the search efforts.

The funds raised will cover expenses such as stay, transportation, bills, and food in Puerto Rico. Castillo has expressed gratitude for the support and asks for prayers and love during this difficult time.

Muturi’s mother shared that the couple had gone to Puerto Rico to celebrate Muturi’s birthday. While at the beach, Muturi was swept away by a strong wave while swimming alone, as Castillo had stayed onshore. Despite Muturi’s swimming skills, his mother’s hope for his safe return is slowly fading, and she appeals to the US government for assistance.

The community’s support and prayers are crucial as efforts continue to find Samuel Muturi Wanjiru and bring him back home safely.

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