30 Years in Jail for Jilted Lover Who Threw Acid on Ex-Girlfriend’s Face

A Mombasa court sentenced Mohamed Mwarandu Kombe to 30 years in prison for a horrific acid attack on his ex-girlfriend, Fatuma Kaingu. The attack, fueled by Kombe’s inability to accept Ms. Kaingu’s decision to end their relationship, resulted in permanent blindness for the 23-year-old woman.

Magistrate Gladys Olimo highlighted the severity of the crime, emphasizing the devastating impact on Ms. Kaingu’s life. She stated, “Ms. Kaingu will never enjoy the sense of vision… she shall no longer see the beauty of the world.” The magistrate further noted the malicious intent behind the attack and the need for a deterrent sentence to discourage similar acts.

Key Points:

  • Kombe attacked Ms. Kaingu with acid after she ended their brief relationship.
  • The attack caused permanent blindness.
  • Kombe received a 30-year sentence for grievous bodily harm and property damage.
  • The sentence aims to deter future acid attacks.

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