DP Gachagua to Rift Valley Leaders: “Respect Our Leadership in Mount Kenya”

Deputy President Gachagua has issued a stern warning to Rift Valley leaders, urging them to respect the political and leadership decisions of the Mount Kenya region. In a heated statement, Gachagua emphasized the need for mutual respect and autonomy in regional leadership matters.

“Msijaribu kutupangia siasa na uongozi wa Mlima Kenya. Mtuheshimu!” Gachagua declared, making it clear that any attempts to influence or dictate the political landscape of Mount Kenya would not be tolerated. His remarks come amid growing tensions and disagreements over political alignments and strategies within the ruling coalition.

Gachagua’s call for respect underscores the importance of regional autonomy and the recognition of local leaders’ authority in guiding their communities. The Deputy President’s message has resonated with many in the Mount Kenya region, who feel that their political voice and decisions should be respected by other regions.

As the political landscape continues to evolve, the emphasis on mutual respect and collaboration among different regions will be crucial for maintaining unity and stability within the country’s leadership.

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