MP John Kiarie Claims Photos of Gen Z Protesting in Nairobi Were Edited

MP John Kiarie has sparked a new controversy by claiming that photos showing Generation Z protesters in Nairobi were digitally altered. Speaking at a recent press conference, Kiarie, who has a background in photo editing, asserted that the images were manipulated to create a false narrative.

“As an expert photo editor, I can tell you photos were edited to look like Gen Z was protesting in Nairobi,” Kiarie stated. He argued that the doctored photos were part of a larger scheme to mislead the public and exaggerate the participation of young people in the demonstrations.

Kiarie’s allegations come amidst a wave of protests in Nairobi, primarily driven by opposition to the Finance Bill 2024. The MP called for a thorough investigation into the origin of the images and urged the media to verify the authenticity of visual content before dissemination.

His remarks have stirred mixed reactions, with some supporting his call for accountability and others dismissing it as a diversion from the real issues at hand. The controversy underscores the growing concerns about misinformation and the manipulation of media in the digital age.

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