Prof. Njuguna Ndung’u on Kenya’s Budget Trilemma: Balancing Spending, Debt, and Taxes

Prof. Njuguna Ndung’u, the Cabinet Secretary for National Treasury and Economic Planning, has addressed the complexities of Kenya’s budget and the challenges it presents. He highlighted the “trilemma” faced by the government in balancing spending, debt, and taxes to finance essential services and development projects. Details: In his remarks, Prof. Ndung’u explained that discussions about…

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Meg Whitman on Tax Policy and Business Investments

Meg Whitman emphasizes that taxes are a crucial issue for businesses globally. According to Whitman, American companies seek consistency in tax policies, as stability allows them to plan investments with a clear return horizon. She highlights two main approaches to increasing tax revenue: raising tax rates or expanding the tax base. Whitman advocates for the…

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