MP Didmus Barasa Proposes Tax Increase on Luxury Clothing and Fake Nails

Member of Parliament Didmus Barasa has proposed a controversial tax increase targeting individuals wearing clothing worth over Ksh10,000 and sporting fake nails. Barasa argues that such measures would help generate additional revenue for the government while also discouraging extravagant spending. The proposal has sparked debate, with some supporting the idea as a means to redistribute…

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Esther Passaris Advocates for Increasing Withholding Tax on Infrastructure Bonds to 20%

Nairobi Woman Representative Esther Passaris has proposed a significant increase in the withholding tax on interest income earned from infrastructure bonds. Currently set at 5%, Passaris suggests raising this tax to 20%. This move is aimed at enhancing government revenue and ensuring a fairer contribution from investors benefiting from these bonds. The proposal has sparked…

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