Julius Kamau Kimani, the Man Who Disrupted CS Ndung’u’s Photo Session on Budget Day, Tells Court Why He Is Angry as Lawyer and Magistrate Struggle to Rein Him In

Julius Kamau Kimani, the man who caused a commotion by disrupting Treasury Cabinet Secretary Njuguna Ndung’u’s photo session on Budget day, appeared in court to explain his actions. Kimani’s outburst came during a significant moment as the Budget team prepared for an important session in Parliament. In the courtroom, Kimani expressed his deep frustrations, which…

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Police Intervene as Man Attempts to Disrupt Budget Team’s Photo Session

In a dramatic incident highlighting public dissatisfaction, police tackled a man who attempted to disrupt a photo session by the Budget team, led by Treasury Cabinet Secretary Njuguna Ndung’u, shortly before their departure for Parliament. The incident underscores the growing frustration among Kenyans with the current leadership and the contentious budgetary processes. Details: The altercation…

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